Category Archives: New Age

Create Happy From Within

Create Happy on the Inside Create Happy. What the heck is happy??! Neither of my parents, teachers or society had ever taught me about happiness when I was growing up and I speculate that this could be the same for many of us. This is not their ‘fault’ of course, as my parents did the Continue Reading →

Your Thoughts May Not Be Your Own

Hi All! If you are in any kind of circle that is in the new energy perspective, or talking about the new shift, you have also then probably have had or have overheard a conversation talking about how all things are connected. Another word that you may have heard is empathy, or to be  empathic. Continue Reading →

See Yourself and Be Responsible

HI! Cat Morgan here in Lo De Marco, Nayurit, Mexico, to talk about seeing yourself and your  own issues, and being responsible for shifting and creating positive change in your life. Our energies and our issues have been in the pot all winter, cooking it up, and getting ready for the spring cleaning. And, that Continue Reading →

The New Age of Awareness

As spring is upon us in this year of 2011, and so are the experiences that we have been manifesting all winter which are  now ready to come into fruition. Springtime is such a wonderful time to invite new things into your life and clear out older energies. They don’t call it spring cleaning for Continue Reading →