Create Happy From Within

Create Happy on the Inside

Create Happy. What the heck is happy??! Neither of my parents, teachers or society had ever taught me about happiness when I was growing up and I speculate that this could be the same for many of us. This is not their ‘fault’ of course, as my parents did the best they could for who they were, and what had been passed down to them. Most of us were not taught to focus our attention point on happiness within ourselves. In fact, most of us have been programmed to look outsides of ourselves for just about everything, the if only’s, and the continuous comparison process in our minds creating feelings of not being good enough or wondering what is wrong with us instead of what feels right for us. We end up not feeling good enough on some level which creates a hole that can never be filled.

When we think about the energy of happy and ask ourselves what creates happiness for us, we usually tend to look outside ourselves for those examples of happiness. For example, we may say we are happy when we are on the beach or snowboarding, or watching a beautiful sunset; this is what makes us happy. And I agree… as we do love and enjoy these things. We also can project our need for happiness upon others. For example, “When I am with you I am happy” or, “You make me happy”. Or, I could be happy only if…
When we create happy inside ourselves, we can then bring that energy of joy to the table in our relationships. How fun would that be at the end of the day sharing a meal discussing what went right that day?

Ask yourself this question: Can I find the energy of happiness without looking outside of myself?
When you are feeling the energy of happiness, have you noticed how great your day goes? You feel more energetic and alive; feeling like you can achieve it all! You are actually holding a higher vibration, which in turn attracts more of what you are resonating! You are in alignment, and that my friends are how we receive what we want to create.  However, with this said, remember, all of our vibrational energies attract our experiences to us, low or high. When you want to create and manifest something tangible,  it is about allowing what you want to create to come to you.  What comes to you is whatever you are in alignment with. Happiness is already inside you. Waiting to be accessed by you.
I would say the pursuit of happiness has been searched for more than anything else, including the Holy Grail!  One may say..oh no.. that would be money. But isn’t the idea of “money” about buying happiness? “I would only be happy (or happier) if I had more money”.  Begin by Focusing inside! Just by starting refocusing your attention point and this will start you on a different path.

The Mind-Body
Our minds have a connection with our bodies. Our brain controls bodily functions, some consciously, but mostly unconsciously.  Our mind sends energy to our bodies via our thoughts and feelings or emotions.  When our bodies are happy our minds are also happy and vice-versa. Our mind is extremely powerful. Most folks are not conscious of being conscious. When you consciously choose to think and feel happiness it will create new patterns that will make all of the difference in your world every day; in Every Present Moment.

So, how do we let go of old thought patterns that are not on the positive vibe of happy? First, I would suggest reprogramming the neural pathways in your brain. This can be done with a hypnotherapist, daily meditation of focusing inside and building on the vibrations of happiness, and Letting Go of the past..(HUGE) and what has been handed down to you that is not yours. Feel into the vibration and feeling of happy and practice, practice, practice! BREATHE. Build the energy and Create Happy! Your mind only knows what it knows, and does not know what it does not know. So, start by telling it something different! Then new neural pathways can be created and old ones disconnected.

The bottom line here is that happiness is actually a CHOICE.
It is up to us to create happy with our own ‘Happy Map” and not necessarily follow someone else’s plan. This is not to say that sometimes current events in our lives are challenging, certainly some more than others. But we can always choose to come back to the vibration of happy. Doing what someone else does to find happiness, or what someone else wants you to do will not create happy for very long. It simply is not authentic happiness.  I would also suggest as you do this work within, to also practice being grateful, and most importantly, be Pleased with Yourself! Being pleased with yourself does not mean you’re better than others. It is an energy that is in alignment with happy. This is an inside job… and it’s all up to you!
As one of my mentors’ states, “HOW WILL YOU CHOOSE?” Choose to create happy!
Check out the article on neural pathways in the brain to discover more about how our brains function in that area. For questions, comments, or if you would like to choose to have assistance in clearing old patterns please contact me at

Create HAPPY today in Glenwood Springs Colorado, or where ever you roam!

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