One Day Energy Healing Workshop
Energy Healing has a wide berth and can encompass many different Energy Healing modalities.
There are many different Energy Healing modalities, such as Reiki and Healing Touch. Learn in the Level One Energy Healing beginner one day course how to assess energies, raise the vibration to facilitate healing, and create balance for yourself and others.
Level One Healing Workshop
This Energy Healing workshop is a “hands-on” course and can be used with a light or no touch. The client keeps their clothes on during a session.
Opening Circle
Grounding and Centering with Mother Earth
Self Healing/Self Chakra Connection
How to do an Intake with your Client
Working with your Intuition
Energetic Aspects of the Self: Energy Field, Chakras, Meridians, Hara Line
Assessments: Pendulum, Hand Scan, Muscle Testing
Interventions: Ultra Sound, Ice Breaker, Clearing the Field and Biology
Pain Clearing Techniques
Regenerating Techniques
Chakra Connection on client
Closing Techniques
Closing Circle
This class is experiential. You will learn how to work on yourself, as well as each other to experience what it feels like as you learn different techniques. You will learn how to do a complete session from beginning to close.
US$175.00 per student
US$50.00 deposit
Contact: Catherine Morgan – Energy Works!
970-704-6345 United States
52-322-728-6897 Mexico
About Catherine Morgan
Catherine Morgan is Certified in Healing Touch International, Energy Medicine Partnerships, Certified Hypnotherapist,
Usui Reiki Master and Tibetan Usui Reiki Master and Instructor, Certified Massage Therapist, Reflexologist and also certified in the Access Consciousness Bars work. Catherine has also been attuned in Dr.Eric Pearl’s work in Reconnective Healing. She specializes in Trauma Release and Integration, facilitating a path for people to cognitively remember the “I AM” within themselves through feeling.
Catherine has worked with 1000’s of clients and groups with well over 60,000 hours of client time.
“Thank you so much for your interest in the Level One Energy Healing Workshop. Teaching this work is what I love to do! Energy Healing work teaches others to become grounded and to feel empowered; creating balance mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.”
Love and Blessings,
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