Super Moon Winter Energy & Element of Water
The Super Moon winter energy is abundant as we have 3 super moons in winter 2019, with the last falling on March 21st, 2019. It’s a full Supper Moon this week, on Feb. 19th in Virgo. This full moon is called the Full Snow Moon. This full moon will actually seem fuller the evening before. For North American time zones, the full Moon crests at 11:53 a.m. AST, 10:53 a.m. EST, 9:53 a.m. CST, 8:53 a.m. MST, 7:53 a.m. PST, 6:53 a.m. AKST and 5:53 a.m. HST. Although this super moon will not be red as the last super moon that occurred with the total lunar eclipse, this Tuesday, the moon reaches perigee, which is its closest point to our planet Earth, making it the brightest, the nearest and largest moon of the year. In ancient times people gave names to each
month’s moon; hence, “Snow Moon”. Our current calendar is now based on the Sun and solar year. On average, February is the snowiest month in the states and Canada. Our friends back home are certainly experiencing this right now! Berrrzzz! There is an abundance of energy during the full moon. This source energy some can harness and allow in and use and enhance the working on self during the winter season.
The season of this full moon winter energy is terrific for letting go. Winter season also holds the element of water, the element of pooling, tranquility, and flow. This energy is connected significantly with the kidneys, as well as the circulation of the blood, perspiration, tears and the bladder. The time for the winter season is about getting a little more downtime and rest for the springtime that is now, at the end of our winter season, quickly approaching. The cycles of rest and rejuvenation hold the tradition that offers us the opportunity to go within, just like our friend the bear. We can create a space of self hibernation; even if it’s only staying at your own house or relaxing on the beach for a few days of rest, reading and rejuvenation.
Virgo energy says cleanse and to take the time to listen and clear our old thought patterns. Make an appointment to go have a spa day, attending a sound bath journey, or meditating and going within, or possibly attending a full moon ceremony gathering. Take a moment to write down or speak to someone about gratitude and all the blessings happening in life. Dance!
When we are at rest, we have the potential for new insights and feelings of calm. If we don’t have calm, this time can become an opportunity to find that peace and calm inside ourselves. When we take the time to quiet our thoughts it is truly amazing how much clarity can come in; realizing that many of our thoughts are only our “monkey minds” spewing out useless thoughts. The more you can discern what to keep and what to let go the more clarity you will have in the present moment. Keeping a grounded based mindfulness allows us to do our best work within. When we go within we can find new meaning or new perspectives, and then transformation takes place, much like how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. This also allows us to align with our heart energy; bringing in the energy of beauty.
While this last part of our super moon winter energy can be the time to conserve energy, it certainly doesn’t mean that we need to stay completely still. Especially living here on the Banderas Bay in Mexico! Like the flow of water, we can also learn to flow in paths of less resistance. Paddleboarding, swimming, yoga, dance, and anything that allows the flow of energy in your body is perfect during the winter season, which also allows us to feel productive in our time of rest. It’s also a super great time to pay attention to your dreams and journal ideas. Where ever you are located, take the time to enjoy the Super Moon Winter Energy and let go of what does not serve.
The season of Spring carries the element of Wood and is a time for new beginnings and birthing of fresh ideas and decisions. Decisions are an extremely important part of creating. When we make a decision, the energy can then come to you that allows that decision to be manifested. All energy follows intention.
The element of wood also refers to the living and growing entities trees, all plants as well as the human body. When the season of Spring comes, we clean our bodies and homes. During the winter months, we clear our minds.
If you would like the assistance of facilitation for clearing lower vibrational energies please contact me at We can work together from a distance, or in person.
Create Happy!
With Much Love, Cat Morgan.
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