The New Age of Awareness

As spring is upon us in this year of 2011, and so are the experiences that we have been manifesting all winter which are  now ready to come into fruition. Springtime is such a wonderful time to invite new things into your life and clear out older energies. They don’t call it spring cleaning for nothing! It is truly time to clear ourselves of old thought patterns and behavior patterns that just aren’t working anymore. And, as we clear these old patterns, our bodies can feel achy and painful. Be sure to drink a lot of water, as water will help being a conductor of energies, also physically flushing out toxins.

At the same time, it is important to remember that we are still creating our experiences, and it can sometimes be easy to forget that giving and receiving is how we are creating our abundance.

The more energy that you put around something, the stronger the manifestation. And so it is that when you have a thought over and over, you are adding energy each time, building energy. And it will be those thoughts that will be more likely to manifest on some level. It is an expression….you are expressing!

These are very important times. It is time to become spiritually aware now. This is no accident that you are reading these very words now. There are no accidents. When you look for something, you will find it. And,  know that, in the new energy it comes to you.  And, so in this new year, it is time to prepare yourself to understand, and EXPERIENCE  that you are a being of light and love.

It is now the time in our history for us to consciously and cognitively remember who we are. And so, I would like you to say hello to your soul self. Your “higher self” is another expression of soul self. It is time to prepare yourself to evolve in a way that you always knew you would! It is happening now. Right now all over this very planet. And, just to let you know, once you are on your “waking up” path, it is very difficult to turn back……but why would you want to? :)

Enlightenment is inside all of us naturally. We are multi-dimensional  souls of light and love. The knowledge of who you are is stored inside you, waiting to be accessed. By you. It is a self-awareness, and it is experiential.

What is it like to experience a higher state of consciousness or awareness? And, what can you do to start down your path of remembering?

There are many practices that you can start doing with very little effort or money.

Breath work,Yoga, Exercise, Meditation, Body Work (massage or energy work) and focusing inside. Just to name a few. You can find out a lot of info on the web for free. And, of course, feel free to contact me!

Although, I must say at this point in writing this  that it can be difficult to live in the new energy. It can be hard because of the old patterns and thoughts and belief systems that we have previously created. They still want to be “fed” and they do not want to leave under any terms. They will literally try to justify why they are okay and why they should be in your life.

Never make a compromise with any old energy patters. It doesn’t work. You will suffer with one leg in the new, and one in the old. It will tear you apart mentally and emotionally.

Remember, that anything that has been created can be uncreated.  Thank goodness for that!

There has also been a lot going on with relationships these past months. Very old patterns are emerging to be released and shifted. This can be difficult for the other partner. It is important to stay neutral for each other and not get sucked into each others issues.
It is also important to allow each other to shift and not hold each other in the old patterns. Help let your partner let go by you letting go of their “stuff” as well.

So, hang on, and know that you have the choice and power to create the changes that you want! I feel that we will be seeing a lot more of “things breaking down”. This is actually a natural process, and the only way to allow the new to surface.

It is the way to make room. Something Thich Nhat Hanh has said, “If you do not breathe out, you can not breath in. ” This message is about emptying yourself, and making room for the new. And, so it goes for all things. We are making room for the new energies to come in.

So, breathe, empty yourself daily and allow the new energies to come in as you shift into the new energy consciousness.

love and blessings always


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