Super Moon Winter Energy & Element of Water The Super Moon winter energy is abundant as we have 3 super moons in winter 2019, with the last falling on March 21st, 2019. It’s a full Supper Moon this week, on Feb. 19th in Virgo. This full moon is called the Full Snow Moon. This full moon … Continue Reading →
Category Archives: New Energy
Return to Health with LOVE
WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? As I type these words I hear Tina Turner’s voice booming, “What’s love got to do …got to do with it?” The energy of Love is complicated at best. Unconditional love and conditional love for ourselves and others are only two aspects. Love can exist in deep or … Continue Reading →
Mindfulness and Neural Pathways
Mindfulness and Your Brain There are a lot of new terminologies used these days as we look for ways to create peace, happiness and abundance in our lives and Mindfulness is one of them, or being Mindful. What does it really mean to be mindful? Basically, being mindful is about being present and noticing reality … Continue Reading →
A New Energy Path for Creating Joy
A New Path for Creating New Perspectives We have just passed the summer solstice in 2013 and the energy hits have been heating things up! A new energy path for creating joy and love is very available to you now. Especially with all of your relationships. Relationship with your partner, your family, your job, and … Continue Reading →
Creating in the New Year of 2012
A Happy New Year in 2012 Cat Morgan saying Hello and Happy New Year to all from Lo de Marcos Mexico! 2012! Wow! Its finally arrived. And just when it was suppose to! lol The year 2012 has a lot of energies built up, and I think its going to be quite the year! Its … Continue Reading →
What is the New Energy Shift?
The Shift So, what is the new energy consciousness shift? You may have heard about the new energy shift, and perhaps named other terms like the shift, the new earth, the new age of awareness, and there are probably a lot more terms out there. These terms are all about an amazing change that is … Continue Reading →
Your Thoughts May Not Be Your Own
Hi All! If you are in any kind of circle that is in the new energy perspective, or talking about the new shift, you have also then probably have had or have overheard a conversation talking about how all things are connected. Another word that you may have heard is empathy, or to be empathic. … Continue Reading →
See Yourself and Be Responsible
HI! Cat Morgan here in Lo De Marco, Nayurit, Mexico, to talk about seeing yourself and your own issues, and being responsible for shifting and creating positive change in your life. Our energies and our issues have been in the pot all winter, cooking it up, and getting ready for the spring cleaning. And, that … Continue Reading →
The New Age of Awareness
As spring is upon us in this year of 2011, and so are the experiences that we have been manifesting all winter which are now ready to come into fruition. Springtime is such a wonderful time to invite new things into your life and clear out older energies. They don’t call it spring cleaning for … Continue Reading →
Healing Your Body and Soul with Energy Medicine and Massage
Allowing Yourself To Heal The process of breaking down can seem very stressful, whether it is on a personal level, like divorce or losing a job, or going through the loss of a loved one, or events such as earth quakes and other disasters come into our lives. Especially, when we have so much access … Continue Reading →
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