On The Edge Workshop – Getting Back In

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Carmen Iacino Presents

Come BE ON the EDGE With ME

Are YOU ready to play on the edge of change? This series of workshops designed to explore the very edges and to propel you forward on your path. The next offering in this exciting series is –

Kicked Out – Trying to Get Back

Have you ever had the experience of something ending and you aren’t sure why?  Could have been a friend who didn’t call in 7th grade, or a relationship that ended suddenly, or a sibling who started acting differently toward you, etc?  If you asked why, you probably didn’t get an answer that really fit.  Even if the answer fit, it didn’t satisfy you.  Probably because the “why “left you with out a way to get back in.

We have all been left and/or abandoned many times.  I am betting that you don’t really know why.  You were left wondering what you did wrong.  Especially puzzling if you think you did NOTHING wrong.  Yet the result is the same – you are out!

When you were a baby, your parents most likely didn’t give you all the nurturing that you deserved.  At that time (and ever since) you assumed that something was wrong with you.  Despite all of your growth, there is still a part of you that wonders if you have done things wrong and thus deserved to be left.

If we take this way back, it is the story of the Garden of Eden.  Break the rules (the ones that don’t make sense to anyone except the person who sets them up) and you are out.  Part of the message is that we have to “earn” our way back into the garden.  Problem is – we aren’t told how.

It is time to heal the damage done by the myth and the experiences, get the story straight – in your body and unconscious, and live as you were meant to live.

Do you think you have already done the work?  Do you have EVERYTHING you want EXACTLY the way you want it?  Is there any chance it is at all related to deserving?

Are you ready?  Do you need this work?  If you are wondering, you definitely do need this.

This workshop will not involve journeying.  Instead we will use your body’s wisdom to reveal the layers of your own onion.  The technique is simple.  We will give the mind a thought to think and allow the body to bring the energy to the surface through movement.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

9:00 – 6:00

Carbondale, CO

Cost: $125

Space is limited. A $50.00 deposit is required to hold your space.

To register contact:

Catherine Morgan



One Thought on “On The Edge Workshop – Getting Back In

  1. Qigong helped me beat four bouts of “terminal” bone lymphoma in the early nineties. It’s also helped me manage the pain–physical and emotional–wrought by the cancer in the years since. Qigong also is an excellent stress reducer; after consistent practice life’s “slings and arrows” bounce off one like pebbles plinking off a breastplate. Clear 14 years and still practicing every day!

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